Guest Lecture on Telepsychotherapy

Start Date: 
Wednesday, 22 March 2023
Start Time: 
01:30 pm
Seminar Room

The Department of Clinical Psychology , IIS (Deemed to be University) Jaipur, organised a Guest Lecture on Telepsychotherapy on March 22nd, 2023 in the Seminar Room for the trainees of Professional Diploma in Clinical Psychology (PDCP)  RCI approved course. The speaker for the guest lecture was Ms Divyangana Yadav who is a Clinical Psychologist at Proactive for Her, Bangalore.

Ms Yadav started off her session by highlighting the importance of sexual health among men and women. In her session, the speaker talked about the meaning of telepsychotherapy, it’s indications and contra-indications. She also enlightens the trainees about the policies, characteristics and skills of both patients and therapist.  

She made the audience awared about documentation process of the same as well. In this, she informed how the treatment is conducted and what all precautions are supposed to be taken. She also talked about some of the most common therapies used to treat individuals online.

By the end of the session, the speaker clarified all the major doubts regarding telepsychotherpy. Participants raised several considerable questions which she answered thoroughly. One of the participants asked about the limitations of conducting Psychodiagnostics online, to which the speaker gave a very informative reply.

It was a very interesting session wherein the audience got such a delightful opportunity to hear Ms Divyangana keep her views on Telepsychotherapy. Such enriching affairs are ought to be pondered upon and raised more frequently.