Movie Screening – “The Aviator”

Start Date: 
Tuesday, 4 June 2024
Start Time: 
12:30 pm
Seminar Room

On 4th June 2024, the Clinical Psychology Department at IIS University Jaipur organized a movie screening “The Aviator” for the trainees of PDCP (2023-24). The movie portrays a detailed and realistic depiction of Howard Hughe’s mental health struggles, capturing the progression from his personality to Obsessive- Compulsive disorder alongwith the development of paranoid ideation.

The film underscores the importance of intervention and the potential consequences of untreated mental health issues. Hughe’s life story serves as a poignant remainder of the profound impact of OCD and the critical need for understanding, support and treatment for those affected by this debilitating condition.

Subsequently, the trainees were asked to review the movie through the clinician’s perspective. So, that they can undermine the connection between theoretical, practical and fictional aspects of the mental health. The activity helped the trainees to enrich their knowledge regarding the mental health and it’s impact on one’s life when left untreated.