Workshop on “MBCT "

Start Date: 
Monday, 29 January 2024
Start Time: 
10:00 am
F-102, IIS (deemed to be University)

A two-day workshop facilitated by Ms. Divyangna Yadav was arranged by the Department of Clinical Psychology of IIS (deemed to be University) for the PDCP trainees (2023-24) on January 29th and 30th. The workshop was split into two segments: the first day focused on Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) Psychotherapy and the second day it focused on it's practical implication. Ms. Divyangna Yadav's expertise and passion for the subject matter were evident throughout the workshop. Her ability to engage participants and create an inclusive learning environment contributed significantly to the overall success of the program.

The workshop on MBCT focused on introducing the attendees to the concepts and techniques of MBCT. As aspiring clinical psychologists, trainees were informed of the breakdown of sessions and manner in which techniques and homework are introduced to the patients. The session was interactive, engaging and included activity based learning. During the workshop they were introduced to mindfulness and actively guided through mindfulness exercises by the resource person which was helpful and inspiring. Interactive sessions allowed them to clarify doubts regarding therapy and gain a deeper understanding of the same. Clarity was achieved through working on a case and role playing working with that case.

Overall, the workshop facilitated by Ms. Divyangna Yadav was a highly enriching and transformative experience. Her expertise, combined with her engaging facilitation style, made for a dynamic learning environment where participants were able to deepen their understanding on MBCT.